07 November 2010

More about rewrites

The rewrites/edits of "1 More Chance!" are now completed up to Chapter 14, "Past Transgressions." I just finished the rewrite for Chapter 15, "The Very Word," which will go up on Thursday (2010 Nov 11) or so.

If you're ever curious where I am in the current rewrites, you can always check my deviantArt gallery; the rewrites get posted in conjunction with the chapter updates at that site.

In some cases, the rewrites are just stylistic text choices. In the case of these latest two chapters mentioned above, though, there have been fairly significant dialogue changes and updates. One is a closer examination of Chie's past sexual escapades; the other is a more telling conversation with Yukiko about same. While this ups the wordcount quite a bit (about 1K words for each chapter), I do feel that it better presents the issues that I want to address within the plot...and why I feel that Yousuke is in a lot of ways the best choice for Chie, outside of a completely original character.

For old readers, there's no pressing reason why you'd need to read the rewritten chapters. Although, if you do choose to do so, I hope that you enjoy and appreciate the changes that have been made. :)