02 April 2011

Sketchbook tangent

If you've been following my Twitter feed, or my deviantART account, you know that I've been spending some time getting back into sketching and coloring. The majority of this practice is related to the updated ideas I've got for the characters in "1 More Chance!" (If you're interested in any of these, click the deviantART link at the top of this page.)

That doesn't mean that I've given up with the writing, though. In fact, even the little feedback and support that I've gotten for my drawings has reignited my intense love for the characters and their situations, and, since I've started drawing again, I've come a long way in Chapter 62. It really helped me to push through a few very difficult sequences (I took out, replaced, and took out again one character for one sequence at least three times; that scene takes up several pages in my "unused" document!), and I think I'm at a place now where I'm pleased with the chapter as a whole. There is quite a bit of pluperfect description in there, though, just as a warning...but it hopefully works to help you understand what's going on, and why.

Hopefully, you like the drawings, just as - hopefully - you like the story. I enjoy writing and drawing them, and I'm happy to be able to share them with readers. I want readers to be able to understand at least a little bit the full experience I see in my head. :)

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