20 March 2011

Reading, writing, and more

This blog seems to have become a place for me just to talk about my writing, lately...which is fine. It's been so long since a "real" update to my story that I doubt it much matters anymore (and very few people ask any questions, anyway). So, here I am, to talk about what's been going on.

Chapters 31 through 35 have all undergone some drastic rewrites. (Chapters 36 and 37 are currently still on the drawing board, but I know specifically where those edits need to occur; I've already made one pass at 37 since its original posting back in 2009.)

I went back to my "unused" document and ended up putting in a lot of my scrapped - if occasionally favorite - conversations and moments from the original and putting them back in, though usually in different locations within the story entire.

And I think it's a better story because of it.

It's not just longer, though that did happen, too, albeit mostly from the addition of some minor descriptions between dialogue. (There are a lot of additional "he said" and "she said" bits in there, now, to break up the flow of talking, and to give the characters a chance to breathe.) No, I think the new edits really help the story flow from a characterization and motivation point, more than anything else.

Of course, I'm the writer, so I would say that.

Now, it's time to get back to work on Chapter 62, which - for better or worse - examines the Chie/Yousuke relationship in a more closely intimate way than I've done in a while. For those of you still reading, that means that the chapter really deals with just the two of them, and where they are and are heading in their romance. Yes, other characters do show up, but now is the moment where the story will shift more pointedly back to the main couple in particular, since we've gotten to see how the relationships of their friends have affected them (in Chapters 59, 60, and 61).

I've said it before, I know, but I still really enjoy writing for these two. I want to keep writing for them. Chapter 62's delay has something to do with the deviantART edits, but it also has a lot to do with me thinking about how particular moments need to flow. (I've written once interaction at least a dozen times now, and I think I've finally gotten it right with this most recent pass!)

So, the next update is coming. Maybe sooner than you expect, though probably later than you hope. :)

And if you've read this far, thanks - as always - for your attention, your patience, and your support. You don't know how much it means to me to hear that I still manage to entertain you.


11 March 2011

Reality hits

Writing these stories seems kind of pointless to me, right now, in light of the natural disasters that struck Japan today. Luckily, all of my friends and family seem to be safe and all right (thank goodness!), but there is still damage and death in the country. Japan is a very small country in comparison to most of the rest of what we somewhat-selfishly call the "First World"...but it is still full of a lot of people, who have lives and loved ones and families.

It makes me feel stupid, to be writing silly stories about my second home, when I could be doing so much more than that to really make a difference. I've donated to the Red Cross, which has a Disaster Alert page set up, but it still feels hollow.

I don't really know what else to do, though, except continue. Prayers are said, words and messages of encouragement are sent, and funds are donated where I can do so.

I guess I'll just let the insight of my characters speak for me, in this case:
Let the people you care about, know that. Today. Because you never know what tomorrow will bring.