31 October 2009

The value of sex

More than once in recent weeks, I've gotten the question of whether or not the sex in "1 More Chance!" is necessary.

On the one hand, the sex garners the story an M rating, which takes it out of the general listing. This no doubt reduces the number of readers who would just stumble across the story on their own, affecting hit statistics and review numbers and general feedback. That's a bad thing.

On the other hand, the sex in the story is central to the way that the two main characters interact. One of my goals is to create a realistic approach that a couple would take to sex: from the initial sexual exploration, through the early tentative and exciting trysts, as well as through the testing of limits and boundaries as each person starts to realize the kind of sexual being they can and want to be, to an examination of acceptance and equality between two partners based on their own desires. That's a good thing. Chie and Yousuke are about halfway to two-thirds in this progression (Chapter 36 posted on 2009 October 28 - link will take you to the Fanfiction.Net version).

On a side note, it is occasionally amusing for me to see how the chapters with the notably more "mature" events seem to be - consistently - more active in terms of statistics. There's not really any outward clue that anyone would have for these events based on chapter title, so I'm guessing that it's mostly past or current readers who have read that particular chapter before and just go back for more.

I recently considered removing the more explicit sexual moments, to bring the story down to a "T" rating. But as I was reading through some of the previous chapters, I found it difficult to take out the sexuality, and not just because those moments are fun to read over again. They're inherently important to the development of the characters' relationship as both friends and lovers. I think that if I were to remove the sex scenes altogether to make the story more youth-friendly, it would change a lot of the nuances of the story itself.

And I'm not certain I'm willing to make that change just for a higher reader count.

Sexuality is integral to the game, as well. Nearly all of the characters' Shadows are linked somehow to the character's sexuality. This is probably most likely because sex and sexual identity are such important parts of a young person's development, no matter what their preference or orientation. [SPOILER - rollover to view] Kanji's ambiguous sexuality in particular, especially given his acceptance of it at the culmination of his Social/Community Link, is notable for its lack of definition, as well as his acceptance of it. When he tells the Protagonist (Seta Souji in my story) that his Shadow is who he is, that articulation speaks volumes for his own sexuality. It's also the reason why the Kanji in "1 More Chance!" is perhaps the most adult of all of the Investigation Team - his sexuality doesn't scare him, anymore. Some other characters aren't so lucky. [END SPOILER]

I'm not going to go back and rewrite all of "1 More Chance!" in a T-rated version just to get myself more readers (though that thought is occasionally very tempting, especially when the feedback flow is slow). But I do have to wonder if readers are willing to accept some real sexuality in their stories, or if they just enjoy the prurient and pointless sex that's sadly too typical in the wide-spanning genre of fanfiction. [EDIT:] There's a third option, of course: that readers don't like sex at all in their stories. (That's a little sad to me, personally, especially in a story that is most definitely centered around a relationship growing between two adults who are romantically and sexually interested in each other...but that's just my opinion.) [END EDIT]

Thoughts? Comments? I'd like to hear them!

20 October 2009

Q: Who'd win in this fight: Kanji v. Yukiko?

Q: In Chapter 34, one more fighter comes into play: Amagi Yukiko, the sweet young proprietess of the Amagi Inn. Yukiko steps in for a little bit of two-on-two with Kanji, Yousuke, and Chie, and to make the fight interesting, the others suggest a girls v. guys fight. So a couple of reviewers asked: Who won in the Yukiko v. Kanji bout?

A: Kanji (probably)
There's a little bit of author conceit going on here, as there tends to be in every contrived sequence. So, I'll explain that first.

The purpose of Yukiko stepping in to fight is mostly there to give Chie a friend to fight alongside, and to showcase that Yukiko's not just the straight-edged damsel that she may have appeared to be up until this point in the story. It also gives the author (me) the opportunity to create a fun pairing for a fight. We already know that Naoto is well-versed in CQC (close quarters combat - thanks, Kojima-san), and Rise doesn't really have much fighting experience (though she will by the time everything's all over, for certain). And Kuma's not there, so she's out. So, that left Yukiko.

I also wanted Yukiko to step out a little bit more from her self-imposed shell that's been building since way back in Chapter 23 (if not earlier). So I gave her a knowledge of Tai Chi, which I thought would make sense given that the art form has become much more about poise and technique over time, rather than its original martial roots.

But just because Yukiko has some martial arts experience doesn't mean that she's proficient enough - or just plain mean enough - to be able to take down Kanji in a one-on-one fight. Kanji's style is a mixture of classic gendai budo like judo and straight-up boxing techniques. (Sharp-eyed readers will notice that Kanji almost always punches or grapples and hardly ever kicks, with the exception of a couple of stomps. He's a tsuki [punch] fighter, for certain.)

One of the reasons that the fight is not described is because I didn't want to take away from the Chie/Yousuke fight...but also because the story is told essentially from Chie's point of view, and she wouldn't be able to focus on the Yukiko/Kanji fight without being distracted in her own fight. And to be perfectly honest, a fight between two characters who are not my principal protagonists would have slowed down the story unnecessarily. But perhaps I'll write a little fight between Yukiko and Kanji down the line. Certainly, the story will go that way....

If you would like to see the Kanji/Yukiko bout in a later chapter - or perhaps another fan fiction, if I can stomach another one after finishing this one - let me know! I'm always open to new ideas.

14 October 2009

One True Three

Q: Is Kanji with Rise, or is he with Naoto?
Reviewer Kisdota, The Freak Gamer asks: Are you giving hints at Naoto/Kanji?

A: Both.
The answer to this question is actually explained in Chapter 14: Past Transgressions. In that chapter, Rise reveals (among other things) that she is at the very least having sex with Kanji. Chie and Yukiko are somewhat surprised to learn this, as they have for a while thought that Naoto and Kanji were a couple (I have taken this couple as canon, based on some of the events in the game, and the relationships expanded upon in the drama CD). Rise then explains that Naoto is with Kanji, but that she has to share him because "he's just so big."

This conversation was written mostly for humorous effect, because Rise is so straightforward with everything and anything that has to do with her own (or anyone else's) sex life. But it also sets up the idea that Rise, Naoto, and Kanji are in a "non-traditional" relationship, between the three of them.

Later in the chapter, Naoto explains the feelings between the three of them in somewhat less graphic detail:

Naoto hummed. She inhaled deeply, almost like a sigh. “There is a deep bond between me and Kanji-chan. We are drawn to each other for very specific reasons.” She chuckled again. “But he is drawn to Rise-chan, as well, for other reasons that I can understand. I am drawn to her for those reasons, too.”

Chie sniffed and looked at the younger woman in some surprise. “You mean, the three of you...together?”

Naoto smiled back at her, softly and with a subtle blush along her cheeks. “Neither Kanji-chan nor I discriminate on the basis of gender. So, we share.” She reached out and touched Chie on the hand, her expression turning serious. “As much as we may tease her, and as much as she may still act a flirt, Rise-chan is not the same frivolous woman she once was. I have been close enough with her these last two years to have felt the full power of her love, and to know unconditionally that the whole of her heart is devoted to me and Kanji-chan.”

When I played the game the first time, I thought that Kanji and Naoto should have ended up together. But then I started seeing glimmerings of Kanji/Rise, and I thought that they made a cute couple, too. And then I started to see Naoto/Rise start to pop up, and I thought, Why can't the three kouhai form a threesome? The three of them have complementary personalities (Kanji is the gruff sweetheart; Naoto is the cool professional; Rise is the bubbly perpetual girl), and they're also physically attractive as a trio. So, I made them my "One True Three," as opposed to a "One True Pair" (OT3 and OTP, respectively).

Maybe Kisdota, The Freak Gamer forgot about what was said in Chapter 14 (it has been a long time since that chapter was posted), or maybe he came in after the fact. But, yes, there are very strong hints of Kanji/Naoto. There are also very strong hints of Kanji/Rise. And there are less strong hints about Naoto/Rise...although those will become less subtle as the story progresses into the final arc.

06 October 2009

Kanji's Orihime dolls

Another post that is not really Q&A (because I don't seem to be getting those). But I did this as a little side project and thought it was too cute an idea not to post for folks to see.

Tanabata is the story of the weaver princess and the celestial cowherd, and the legend actually plays a role in "1 More Chance!" in more ways than one. But the most darling aspect of the legend (aside from Kuma's reaction to it) are the dolls that Kanji makes for Inaba's summer festival. In the story, I describe the dolls as having the physical characteristics to the girls of the Investigation Team. These images stuck with me, and I had to create little drawings of them.

I didn't spend a whole lot of time on these (I only made 2 designs for the yukata, as you can see), but I wanted to see what they might look like in a drawn design phase...or maybe I wanted to show interested readers how I thought they would look.

Naoto's hair was probably the most fun to do, since it is so messy but still pretty. Yukiko's hair was actually kind of a pain. I couldn't find the right reference material for it, and I had to keep re-drawing; her fringe is different from the other girls', and it was not making things easy. But I kind of like the way that it eventually turned out.

Obviously, the dolls are all taken from the same initial drawing/mold. But I think that's probably the way that Kanji would work with it - all the same face, but different hair to show off their inspirations.

Maybe I'll get a question or comment I can publicly answer in this week's feedback. Of course, that's assuming that I actually get any feedback. I seem to have scared away some of my regulars....

02 October 2009

Just an observation - Other Authors

I am constantly surprised by my regular reviewers (and, by association, probably most of my regular readers, too). They're incredibly conscientious and thoughtful individuals, many of them very skilled writers in their own rights. Among them? (Listed in alpha order to keep it fair.)

Cerebrate - check out "Shades of Red"
Kisdota - The Freak Gamer - whose stuff I haven't read, but he somehow consistently manages to post his reviews within a few hours of my posting new chapters...I don't know how he does it, honestly...maybe caffeine?
Lady Cheshire - check out "Pressure Cooker" and (my favorite) "Distance and Spaces"
leaflett - check out "Caffeine"
moyabomb - check out "All He Sees Is Red"
zero-damage - check out "The Shortest Distance From A to B"

Anyway, all of these folks have stood by the story for a long time and several thousands of words. I thank God that they're still with me, because without them I probably wouldn't get any reviews for this gargantuan story at all. (It's sad but true.)

I feel a little bad sometimes that Chie - who is my narrator, for all intents and purposes - leads the reader in a direction that is erroneous...or at least tangential to what is really going on. She knows what's going on in her own head (most of the time, anyway), but she can only guess what's going on in every else's. Sometimes, she'll guess what someone is thinking, and I want to tell the reader: "She's wrong! Remember, she's not a great listener! Pay attention to their words, not what she's thinking!" The next chapter - 33, "Juxtaposition" - makes that a little more clear to readers, I hope.

On another note.... It's often difficult to keep the chapters on a steady pace. I had thought that 32 was going to turn out pretty well, since I had finished it early and felt pretty good about the whole thing. But then I re-read it (because the hits and reviews have been slow), and I realized that there's something missing from it. So for 33, I went back to the old standby technique of mine of having a couple of different people address the same topic from different perspectives. We'll see if that makes a difference.

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with hits and reviews. I'll write and finish this story for myself, first (screw everybody else!)...but it's always nice to know that I'm entertaining other folks, as well. I just wish I knew who was reading and not giving feedback, and why. Do they just not write reviews (one person did say that)? Do they think the story isn't worth reviewing? Do they not have an account to leave a review? It's a fanfic writer's conundrum.

Oh, well. Back to the typing.