23 April 2010

Separation Anxiety

Q: Is the new (not-weekly) schedule working?

A: I have mixed feelings about it.

First, updating weekly for an entire year (52 weeks) felt like it was a great accomplishment for me. There was only one time that I stumbled, and I think that the story turned out better because I went back and took the time to correct the error. But other than that, I updated weekly for a solid 52 weeks. I think that's pretty good, for a story that was only supposed to be about a mutual awakening of sexual and emotional attraction between two characters. (Actually, the plot originally was going to be what amounts to a one-shot, based around Chapters 9-13.)

Second, I really needed a break after what happened with Chapter 50. I got a little bit burnt out over that one, and I think the readers could tell. Looking back on some of the earlier chapters, I can see where I rushed...but I was still willing to go the distance with weekly updates. And I'm glad that I did.

But now I'm ready to take it a little bit easier.

The story has entered its penultimate conflict at this point - an external one, but still necessary to the advancement of the characters' relationships as I've plotted them.

And it's not an easy moment to write.

I've planned this confrontation since I was less than halfway through the story as it currently stands, and knowing that the story is coming to an end has put some subconscious brakes on my progress. I still love writing these characters and these moments, but I can tell that I'm backpedaling and treading water because I just don't want the story to end.

It sounds selfish and conceited, certainly (I admit that)...but it's also the longest, largest, most convoluted thing I've ever written, and that's including a thesis. I'm so in love with Chie and Yousuke and Kuma and all of the others that I just don't want to let them go. I don't want to end the story in a half-dozen chapters. I don't want to see this crazy ride come to a stop. And I think that's what really prompted me to take a more relaxed schedule for my updates, this close to the end.

I feel bad for those readers who have stuck by the story for so long and came to enjoy (I hope) seeing new chapters from me every week. But I've got to do this for myself as much as for the readers. And I want to make this one last, like a smooth, cold beer. Or a tender, juicy steak, which may be more appropriate, given the tastes of my protagonist.

Yes, there are other stories to write, even in this same somewhat-alternate universe I've fashioned for my personal Persona 4 timeline. There's "1000 Words", and "Fireflies and Snow", and even "Breaking Point" - which, if all goes according to plan, will be ready to go not too long after 1 More Chance! comes to a close in 5-6 chapters.

I'm not alone in my enjoyment of the pairings I've presented (though it sometimes feels that way), but I want to have one of the better stories out there about them. So please don't take offense that I'm taking my time with this. I just want it to last.


  1. I simply cannot understand why you feel the need to apologise. Writing takes time and energy. Anybody who doesn't understand this should try it for themselves before complaining. Are you hearing people complaining??? 'Cause I'll bash some sense into them!

    I can only speak for myself but I've always felt that in storytelling, in writen or oral form, the person telling the story has to somehow invest a part of himself into it for the story to be effective. This story obviously means a lot to you and it shows, both in the actual story itself but also in everything that you surround it with. We are on the receiving end of all this. Don't let us bother you. Do your thing. Focus on what's important.

    And the less time you spend trying to make excuses where none are necessary, the more you write the story, the quicker we get it and the better it is. So get to it! :)

  2. Sorry if it sounds like I'm whining a lot about this story and its progress. But thanks for the words of encouragement! Honestly, it always helps to know that readers and/or fellow writers are empathetic to what goes into writing a story like this. :)
