30 June 2010

Thank you - Q&A followers/commenters!

I originally started this blog to post my thoughts on some of the questions that came up in reviews of "1 More Chance!" As it turned out, most folks didn't really have questions, per se, but it's been fun and enlightening to post here as I've gone through the story, writing and rewriting and figuring out what worked best (and what didn't, too).

I've got to take a brief moment and thank my two followers/commenters:
ViktorMayrin and JS Dulude
These two readers are the only ones to ever comment on, well, any of the posts here, and it's been very interesting (and often very inspiring) to read their thoughts. Sometimes, their feedback was just what I needed to get motivated again and put my head down and power through to the end of the chapter.

I don't know if anyone else reads this, but these two supporters deserve some extra thanks from me for reading, following, and taking the time to comment. :)


  1. No thanks are needed. I comment when I feel I have something intelligent to say. I'm glad you feel somehow motivated by my comments. Just continue with the writing. It's enough of a thanks in my book. And you can post a new chapter whenever you want. I'm ready for it wednesday or not...

  2. *smiles*

    Well, that's excellent to hear that I've somehow managed to brighten your day. I'm always ready to read and add my (sometimes) insightful comments.

    Keep up the goo work and I hope to see the new chapter when it doesn't make you go bonkers to try an work on it.

  3. It's always nice to know that I'm doing good by some readers' estimation, and it's been especially nice to hear from a reader who has a thinking and critical eye for my story.

    I'm trying to get one particular conversation/flow to work right, but I hope to have that ready very soon. I know that I've been dragging this one out for a long time, now....

