07 September 2010

Moving day?

For those of you following my Twitter, my last 2 Tweets were:
"[bonusparts_fic] is thinking that maybe FF.net is not really the place for me anymore. Perhaps not for the sequel story, at any rate."
"I like to write about human relationships, family, all that stuff. Doesn't seem to be much interest in those topics over there."

The reason? Of late, I've been seeing a lot of "novelizations" (not really; they're more like adaptations) of either Persona 3, Persona 4, or Persona 3 PSP. The other popular story ideas seem to deal with the more adventurous and fantastic (darker?) themes of the games: Shadows, Midnight Channel/Dark Hour, death/murders, and kicking ass in "epic" tales.

That's all well and good (and if you like those kinds of stories, you should feel lucky that there are so many writers who are examining those aspects of the story right now)...but it's just not where I'm at in my stories. As I mentioned in my Tweets, I really like to write about people. Maybe that makes me a prosaic, semi-glorified artist of the mundane; I don't know. But I enjoy thinking about and writing about the issues that affect me and the people I know, and I try to reflect that in the conflicts of my characters.

I'd really like to be able to share the sequel story to "1 More Chance!" with readers, but I just don't know if Fanfiction.Net is the right place to do so. The main reason to post at FF.Net is for the valuable(?) feedback from readers. But if a story doesn't have the potential to get feedback (because it's veering off in another direction from the mainstream; I'd like to think it's not because the story sucks), then there isn't a lot of point to putting it on FF.Net; I could just as easily post it somewhere else, like on my personal site, or deviantArt, or LiveJournal. Of course, those sites don't have great feedback options, either, but at least I wouldn't look at the hit statistics and wonder if people are liking the story or not, and if not, why not.

Or maybe I need to rethink writing the sequel as a Persona 4 story at all, despite all of the planning and plotting I've done. (That would certainly make "1 More Chance!" feel more complete in my head, even with the epilogue.)

Or maybe I need to just write the story on my computer, and keep it only for myself there, where I won't stress about stupid stuff like feedback and hit statistics and who's updating more frequently than I am. (Yeah, I find myself doing that, and then I kick myself for taking so long to post updates, even when I know that's stupid because everyone works at his or her own pace.)

...Except that I like sharing stories. I don't post everything I've written to places like FF.Net or dA because I think some of my earlier writing is not up to snuff, and I don't feel like going back and editing it to a point of personal acceptance. But when I did share even those lesser stories, I liked that feeling of sharing. I liked making readers think, or smile, or just relive a little bit of what it felt like to read that comic, or watch that movie, or play that game. I want to share my vision of these characters with the fandom at large.

I don't know.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe there is a place for great big, convoluted stories like the one I want to tell.

Maybe readers do appreciate a more mundane approach to a universe ordinarily populated with the anomalous and profane.

Maybe I should just stick with FF.Net because it's what I know best, and at least it gives me something of an outlet for my writing.

And maybe I'm just thinking too much about this on a Tuesday night.

We'll see.

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