29 July 2010

Art in all its forms

My art skills are woefully lacking. I did try to go back to drawing a while ago, and I was starting to freshen up my penciling skills, but then I took another long hiatus to concentrate more on my writing, and now I'm for shit again when it comes to my sketchbook.


I've been thinking recently of putting together some drawings of the characters from "1 More Chance!" in a couple of their different incarnations. I really want to draw some Kuma, as well as the original characters that show up enough that it might be interesting for readers to see how I envision them (Kazunori, the three Hanamura shimai, Hitoshi and Hiroko). I also thought about trying to draw some of the canon characters, though they're a bit harder to pull off properly (and we all know how easily fans are offended if you paint just a few hairs out of place). My usual style trends away from super-cartoony/manga to more realistic (meaning, no huge bishoujo eyes or anything like that), but still pretty simple. (My deviantArt account has some examples, for anyone interested.)

Drawing isn't something I do particularly well - I think I'm a far better writer than visual artist - but this could also be what I need to get excited about art again. I crapped out on my drawings of the characters for my last story ("Sixes and Sevens"), but this one is interesting enough that it might be worthwhile. And, much like writing, if I don't draw what I want to see, then I'll probably never see it.

I'm in a bit of a funk with the writing, at the moment. I'm still chugging away at Chapter 59, and I'm pleased with what I have so far, but I kind of wish that some of my older readers/reviewers would come back. It's been a bit lonely without hearing from them for so long. (Of course, they may have just decided to drop the story for whatever reason, but I suppose that's just the way it goes, and there isn't much for me to do about that.)

Back to typing for now. We'll see if anything comes of the drawing angle.

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