11 August 2010

I'm not dead.

I honestly don't know why I give such a deep shit about this story and making it work, when there are other stories out there that obviously don't even have a Beta reader for their SUMMARIES, yet still get all kinds of praise for 'em. (Yes, I know I'm being petty about the review thing, but it still manages to irk me.)

That said, I'm deep in editing of Chapter 59 at the moment, and I am liking it much better with this latest pass. It flows better than it had been doing, and I'm having a lot of fun with the character interactions. It's almost like, after all of the crap that went down for the characters in the last couple of chapters, they're a completely new set of people for me to write. Well, one of them is, anyway. Maybe two. But also hella fun.

There's a lot of talking, though, but it's talking that really has to happen for the story to work. And, yes, the talking needs to happen now. No good if it comes later, or if it doesn't come up at all. That's just a recipe for disaster, in relationship terms.

I've been taking a lot of time with this, I know, but I'm working on other things at the same time (not to mention gearing up for the new semester, which always kind of makes life hectic in my tiny corner of 97-degree Perdition that I like to refer to Higher Education). A part of me wants to just finish this story and get cracking on What's Up Next...but another part of me doesn't want to let it go.

Oh, well. At least I'm still writing, right? And writing this thing more for me, now, than anyone else, since most everybody has moved on.

But I still love it. ♥


  1. Well, some of us (well, me at least) are still waiting for the rest of the story (and the next story as well). I've waited long periods of time for some of my favorite authors to publish another book and the I'm willing to wait for this as well. You will only hear me complain if you stop writing it. Then, I would hate you forever :). JS out.

  2. You're putting me in a completely higher caliber of writer when you say that...but I do appreciate the support. :)

    That said, I hope that when you do get to read the new chapter, that you won't be disappointed. I've left the high adventure behind now and am returning to focus on purely relationship stuff for the remainder of the denouement. (The intense drama was fun to write for a while, but this is really a story about two people and the love they share with each other and their friends, and that's where I'm concentrating my efforts now.)

    Thanks for your patience!
